
delta^ is a polyphonic cv and clock generator.
Each one of this buttons is an independent tap-tempo with its own output.
1.the top 3 are CV outs;
2.the bottom 6 are gate outs;
Every tap tempo can have its own set of values for the following settings:
The phase control will allow you to shift a clock phase from 0° up to 360°. This control is pretty useful when you are playing with synced tap tempos.
in the case of our top 3 taps:
The shape control will morph our tap-LFO waveform from ramp-down, to triangle, to ramp-up.
While for the lower 6 taps, the shape will control the PWM of your gate output.
This control will allow you to quickly access clock divisions or multiplications of the original tap tempo.
The time-out for your tap tempo read is 4.095 s, but through this control you can reach the slowest speed of 50 seconds and a maximum speed of 50ms (20 Hz).
delta^ has 3 CV inputs. One for each of the Tap-Tempo settings, and these CVs can be routed to our desired tap tempos.
Delta^ offers as well the possibility to quantise your taps to an external clock source.
Like for the CV inputs, you can decide which one of the taps gets to follow your external clock.
This will let Taps interact between each other in the following mode: by pressing and holding our gravitational button you can activate the gravitational pull of specific taps.
This taps now will affect the surrounding taps (upper - lower - right - left).
The result of the gravitational pull is : the case of Gates: the surrounding taps will get XORed; the case of LFOs: the closest LFO will get cross modulated;
You can see how by changing the settings you can quickly change the result of the gravitational pull.
you can mute TT, and use the buttons as one-shot envelope/gates, you can now unleash the finger-drummer in yourself!
The last feature of delta is randomisation layer that adds an offset value to our tap-tempo settings.
The encoders will act as a macro control over the amount of randomisation, and a short encoder press will generate a new set of values.
This function is non destructive, which means that you can easily get back to your original settings!
This is a very hands on function to quickly change your patch without the fear of losing your previous settings.
delta^ allows you to save and recall one preset.
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delta^ as time constant, this is my very first digital module, its a sequencer not really sequencer. It doesn't follow the 16 step dogma and doesn't really follow either what you tell him to do. He listens but he is independent, kinda, he only deals with rhythm. It's a collective of tap tempos that interacts between each other through boolean logic. Each column takes care of a gate output.
Anyway, i started this module because I wanted to give myself a coding project to work on. It is composed by a group of mechanical keyboard cherry MX switches (16), one rotary encoder, and some pots, just to give enough material to work and experiment on within the C environment.
The processor thats been assigned this infamous role is the ARM cortex M0, same one you can find on teensy LC, small, quite cheap, and powerful. There are 4 gate outputs, and 2 DAC outs, since i wanted to play with CV generation (mainly looping envelopes/LFOs).
I've been for a while quite bored of the classic 16 steps structure that sequencers have and wanted to have a rhythm generator that is only in part controllable.
The inspiration came to my mind after playing with a moog subharmonicon. Its sequencer create a huge variety of
rhythms by doing XOR logic between two 4 steps patterns. Exclusive OR logic means that when you compare "a" and "b" (we are talking about binary so only values admitted are 0 and 1) the result c will be 1 only when one or the other are high and never when they both are high or low.
Heres the truth table:
So what i decided to do is to make something similar but using tap tempos, and by using four of them you can get some pretty nice evolving rhythms. Future implementations will be to have control of the phase of each tap tempo independently. Some clock dividers will be implemented too, I have an idea about calculating on the go weird ratios by comparing the taps.....but lets see, I like the beauty of chaos.
As i already stated, the module in picture is a prototype and was meant to be used as a blank slate to learn C, but now i know what I want! a smaller version is on the go, less pots, moure outs, more fun.